** Trail Reports **

Anytime you’re on groomed trails take care not to damage the trails. Walking, skiing, biking, snowshoeing & pets can all damage soft trails.   If your are leaving tracks more than an inch deep-stay off the groomed portion of the trails. Enjoy!

City Park TrailsSpooner WI

2.16.25: Trails at City Park are freshly groomed and tracked.

Wild Cat – Spooner WI  (Wild Cat Website)

2.15.25: Freshly groomed so get out there and ride! Fat tire bikes and snowshoes are best for trail use.

Visit our Wild Cat Website (link above) for the latest conditions and updates.

Beaver Brook – Spooner WI

2.17.2025: Trails at Beaver Brook were groomed last night and are in great shape.  Get out and ski!

Totogatic & Nordic Woods TrailsWashburn County WI

These trails are maintained by Washburn County.  Trail updates can be found here on the County Website.  We’ll Also try to keep this page updated for you.

2.18.2025: Trails will be groomed today so get out and ski!

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